Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine and Dartmouth Cancer Center are providing initial funding of $2 million to stand up new center aimed at ethical use of artificial intelligence technology to improve precision health and patient outcomes.
The Center for Precision Health and Artificial Intelligence will be governed by Geisel dean Duane Compton and advised by a committee with representation and stakeholders from across the institution, including Dartmouth Cancer Center director Steven Leach, MD.
The center’s inaugural director will be biomedical computer scientist Saeed Hassanpour, PhD, who is a member of Dartmouth Cancer Center’s Cancer Population Sciences Research Program. Hassanpour is a leader in developing AI and machine learning technology to assist in assessing risk of cancer and other diseases, improving the accuracy of diagnosis and predicting the likelihood of patient response to various treatments. His work includes new methods for detection and prevention of colorectal cancer, as well as generalizing AI technology for use by other institutions.
Read more about CPHAI here.