Cancer Referral

Referring your patients to Dartmouth Cancer Center is now easier than ever.

Looking for a specialist?

We can help you find a Dartmouth Cancer Center specialist at our various locations.

Find a Specialist

Please note that you will be redirected to the main Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center (DHMC) and Dartmouth Hitchcock Clinics website to perform these searches.

As an NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center, Dartmouth Cancer Center provides advanced, award-winning, patient-centered care. In addition to the Norris Cotton Cancer Care Pavilion, our centrally located hub in Lebanon, New Hampshire, we have five regional locations and member hospitals throughout NH and VT. This enables us to provide the best possible care in the most convenient location for your patient.

We can provide second opinions, consultations, treatment, image analysis, or follow-up care for all types of cancer.

Online referral forms

Clinical trials

To browse active clinical trials for which your patient may be eligible, search our Find a Clinical Trial database.

For more information on how to refer a patient, please call 603-653-3637 to speak with a cancer research nurse or email them directly at

Other request and order forms

Stay connected

Contact the Physician Connection Center at DHMC to obtain the status of patient care and clinical information, notify us of your change of address or contact information, or request information about DHconnect.

Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Call toll free: 866-DHMC-DOC or 866-346-2362
Locally, dial: 603-653-1999

For more information about the Physician Connection Center, visit the DHMC and Dartmouth Hitchcock Clinics website.

For all other referral inquires and questions, please call the Dartmouth Cancer Center location of your choice.