Our Blood Cancer Program offers the resources of a world-class medical center along with a personalized, integrated approach to your care. Our goal is to give you the best possible care in the most convenient location for you.
Your integrated care is coordinated through our centrally located hub at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, NH, as well as our four regional locations (Manchester, Nashua, and Keene, NH, and St. Johnsbury, VT) and affiliated hospitals throughout New Hampshire and Vermont.
What does “integrated” care look like?
Integrated care comes from the skills of providers throughout the medical center. It’s care by people who can address the unique needs of your condition and well-being. It’s care that starts the moment you meet us and continues through treatment and beyond. At every step, we treat you as a person, not a case number.
Integrated care also means there’s a lot happening on your behalf to give you the most up-to-date care possible. Your doctor may consult with colleagues who may not be directly involved in your care. For example, during meetings of the Tumor Board—a group of doctors, nurses, social workers and more—your doctor may ask for input on your diagnosis and treatment plan (patient identity is kept private). The process is rigorous and collaborative. The result? You benefit from the knowledge and experience of a wide group of experts.
Who we are
The Blood Cancer Program team members work in a variety of areas across the medical center and play different parts in your care. Your team may include an oncologist, surgeon, radiologist, social worker, financial counselor, nutritionist, and others. They work together to provide an individualized care plan, tailored specifically for you.
Your team
Additional team members
All of our providers and team members work together to ensure you receive the best possible care.
Hematology clinical nurse coordinator/navigator
- Kylie A, McCarty, RN, BSN
- Aliza M. Nelson, RN, BSN
- Jill M. Percia, RN, BSN
Transplant and cellular therapy (TCT) nurse coordinators
- Rachel R. Breslen, RN, BSN
- Kate Caldon, RN, BSN, BMTCN
- Sara Cooke, RN, BSN, BMTCN
- Judi Gentes, RN, BSN, BMTCN
Office of Clinical Research
- Carmeleta M. Beidler, RN, BSN, OCN – Clinical Research Nurse (Lymphoma)
- Crystal Smart, RN, BSN - Clinical Research Nurse (Leukemia and Multiple Myeloma)
- Kaitlyn Willy, BS - Clinical Research Coordinator
- Akhila Neman, MS, PharmD - Clinical Research Coordinator
Oncology program coordinators
- Ashley R. Carrier
- Ashley L. Mitchell