Support an Event

Even if you cannot participate in an event, you can still support those who can! Whether through a donation of time, talent, or funds, your support is always appreciated.

Participate in an event

For more information about how to participate in one of our events, see our list of All Fundraising Events.


For more information about how to sponsor a participant, sponsor a team, or make a general donation to an event, see our list of All Fundraising Events.

Become a corporate sponsor

The Friends of Dartmouth Cancer Center welcomes businesses of all sizes as sponsors of our events. Whether you serve the people of the Upper Valley or those of northern New England and beyond, we have events throughout the year that provide marketing opportunities for companies at all levels.

Volunteer at an event

If you are not able to participate in an event, you can still make it a success by volunteering your time. We need volunteers for planning committees as well as event-day activities.