
Our Blood and Marrow Transplantation program provides bone marrow and blood stem cell transplants to treat lymphoma, leukemia, multiple myeloma and other tumors. For some patients, a transplant can offer a chance for a cure or extended remission of blood cancers.

Is a transplant right for you?

To decide if a bone marrow or stem cell transplant is the right treatment for you, our team will review your medical record and talk with your oncologist. We consider many factors, including age, disease, and other conditions you may also have. Then we will perform an evaluation and discuss treatment options.

Meet with us

As part of an evaluation process, you will meet with us. At your first visit, you will meet several members our team, including a doctor, a nurse practitioner and a nurse coordinator. Our goal is to learn more about you, give you information on your condition and treatment options, understand your goals, and answer your questions. Some patients find it helpful to bring a list of questions with them to the visit. We also welcome family members or friends to join you.

Tests to learn more

To help decide whether a blood or marrow transplantation is right for you, we may schedule a variety of tests to help us learn more about your disease, such as its severity and stage. We often draw several tubes of blood to use for multiple tests. We may also test your heart and lungs to make sure it is safe for you to move forward to transplant. Additional tests may include chest X-rays, electrocardiogram, echocardiogram, pulmonary function tests, and a PET scan.

Your care team will explain the tests so you understand what’s involved.