The Gynecologic Cancer Program coordinates your care through our central location at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, NH, as well as in Manchester, NH. We also have member hospitals throughout New Hampshire and Vermont. Our locations allow you to receive the best possible care in the most convenient location, close to your home.
We also pursue new and innovative strategies to advance our field and the care we provide. We aim to reduce gynecologic cancer incidence, improve treatments, and prolong the survival and quality of life of those diagnosed with cancer.
Gynecologic Cancer Program providers
Doctors who specialize in treating cancers of the female reproductive tract are called gynecologic oncologists. From a surgery standpoint, there is data supporting better outcomes for patients who are treated by gynecologic oncology specialists.
Our gynecologic cancer specialists combine training and expertise in gynecology, surgery, and oncology. We help women in all stages of the disease as well as those concerned about genetic risk for developing gynecologic cancers. We also provide options for women concerned about infertility due to cancer treatment.
Here are the primary providers you may see while receiving care at Dartmouth Cancer Center by location:
- Lebanon, NH (Dartmouth Cancer Cancer Center Lebanon)
- Manchester, NH (Dartmouth Cancer Cancer Center Manchester)
If you are looking for other providers, or providers in a particular location, please use Find a Provider for a more detailed search.
Additional team members
All of our providers and team members work together to ensure you receive the best possible care.
Genetic counselors
- Colleen M. Castellani, MS, LGC
- Nicholas V. Jensen, MS, LGC
- Christina M. Kovacs, MS, LGC
- Erica A. Ogert, MS
- Sarina L. Searles, MS, P-LGC
- Grace K. Wilson, MS, LGC
Obstetrics and gynecology
- Rachel K. DiPasquale, RN (Manchester)
- Rebecca Hollander, RN (Lebanon)
- Kayla Stillman, RN (Lebanon)
Office of Clinical Research
- Carmeleta M. Beidler, RN, BSN, OCN - Research Nurse
- Akhila Nemani, MS, PharmD - Clinical Research Coordinator
- Christina A. Seymour, BS - Clinical Research Coordinator
- Joanna Wisnieski, BA - Clinical Research Coordinator
Oncology dietitians
- Elise B. Cushman, MS, RD, CSO, LD
- Jeannine B. Mills, MS, RD, CSO, LD
Oncology nurses
- Myah J. Poirier, RN
- Amy L. Dexter, LNA
Oncology social work
- Stephanie M. Aquila
Oncology program coordinators
- Ashley R. Carrier
- Ashley L. Mitchell