All News & Stories

A new radiation therapy option for patients with brain tumors
Dartmouth Cancer Center is the first in New England to offer a therapy that gives time back to patients who have brain tumors.

How colorectal cancer can be preventable
Colorectal cancer is a preventable disease, but is still the second most common cause of cancer deaths in the United States.

How immune cells shape our body's true age
New research reveals the secret to slowing down the aging process is intricately tied to a balance in your immune system.

Clinical trial trend shows better adherence to breast cancer medication
Data from the first year of a large clinical trial shows fewer side effects and better adherence to breast cancer medication when started before surgery.

Three delicious, easy and healthy no-bake mug cakes
In these video recipes, Oncology Dietitian Elise B. Cushman demonstrates three easy mug cakes you can make at home.

From cancer patient to cancer center advocate
Prostate cancer survivor, Hunt Fales, shares a major shift in feelings after his experience at Dartmouth Cancer Center.

A patient's letter: I chose DHMC for my cancer treatment. Was it the right choice?
Hunt Fales shares his thoughts and reflections in his own words.

New screening guidelines aim to reduce lung cancer deaths
The American Cancer Society has opened the age range and updated smoking history guidelines in its latest lung cancer screening updates.

Dartmouth Health first in New Hampshire to use robotic procedure to detect lung cancer sooner
Dartmouth Health’s interventional pulmonology team has seen an increase in successful lung biopsy procedures over the past year, in part, due to their use of robotic bronchoscopy.

Dartmouth Health announces successful cancer screening program
A cancer screening pilot program in partnership with Dartmouth Health, Manchester Fire Department and Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield proved lifesaving as screening results were shared at a news event held at Manchester Central Fire Department.