Thymoma and Thymic Carcinoma

What is a thymoma or thymic carcinoma?

Thymomas and thymic carcinomas develop in the cells that give the thymus (a small organ in the chest, just above and in front of the heart, that is part of the body’s immune system) its structure and shape. Thymomas are more often confined to the thymus and have an overall good prognosis. Thymic or Thymus carcinoma is a rare cancer that develops in the thymus and is often found at a later stage.

More information about Thymus Cancer and Thymoma (American Cancer Society)


It’s possible that you could have one or more of the following tests (but not all of these will apply to your condition):

  • Imaging: computerized tomography (CT) scan or positron emission tomography (PET) scan
  • Biopsy


Depending on your unique set of conditions and how far the disease has spread, your treatment could include one or more of the following treatments (but not all of these will apply to your condition):

  • Surgery
  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiation

Your full team of care providers will work closely together to review your diagnostic tests, identify the best course of treatment particular to you, and help you understand your diagnosis and what to expect with any treatment you have.