Screening and Prevention

Screening is the process of looking for cancer before any symptoms appear. Screening can allow for earlier detection of lung cancer. When cancers are found early, before they have spread to other parts of the body, they are often easier to treat and have better outcomes. We offer the following services as part of our screening and prevention programs:

  • Lung cancer screening: Lung cancer screening looks for signs of disease in patients who are high risk. We can help you decide if screening might be right for you.
  • Lung Health and Pulmonary Nodule Clinic: We help providers from within Dartmouth Health and across our region refer patients to our preventive and screening services, and services such as shared decision-making and additional testing when needed. Patients interested a lung cancer screening may also self-refer to our clinic.
  • Tobacco Treatment Program: Prevention means taking steps to lower your risk of developing certain types of lung cancer. We can help you quit the use of tobacco as one of these important steps.