
Dartmouth Cancer Center Healing Harvest Food Pantry

Dear Community: A Letter of Growth and Gratitude From the Healing Harvest Food Pantry

DCC food pantry manager Julia Boger-Hawkins has a few words about the impact that you, our community, are making.

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Bowl of Sichuan tan tan noodles with chopsticks to the side of the bowl

Adopting a vegan diet for cancer treatment – Helpful or hurtful? A Dartmouth Cancer Center dietician weighs in

Originally adapted for ethical reasons, the vegan diet has become more health-based in recent years. Some sources claim maintaining a vegan diet will reduce the risk of cancer and other diseases.

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Ketogenic diet food ingredients and pie chart

The ketogenic diet and cancer

In her series on popular diets and cancer, Dartmouth Cancer Center clinical dietician Dianne Kelecy, MS, RD, LD, covers the “why or why not” of a ketogenic diet.

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High-protein hot cocoa

High-protein hot cocoa

Oncology dietitian Elise Cushman, MS, RDN, LD, CSO, demonstrates a delicious hot cocoa recipe that delivers fluids, calories, and protein to help get through cancer treatment.

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vegan foods

What to know about a vegan diet

Dartmouth Cancer Center clinical dietician Dianne Kelecy, MS, RD, LD, breaks down how a vegan diet is not the same as a plant-based one.

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Mug cake recipes

Three delicious, easy and healthy no-bake mug cakes

In these video recipes, Oncology Dietitian Elise B. Cushman demonstrates three easy mug cakes you can make at home.

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Grocery bags

The season of giving: Dartmouth Cancer Center Food Pantry

The Dartmouth Cancer Center Food Pantry is now 100% funded through philanthropic dollars.

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key limes

Video recipe: Key lime yogurt bark

In this video, oncology dietitian Elise B. Cushman, RD, demonstrates how to make key lime yogurt bark.

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Prouty participants

When the Food Pantry meets The Prouty

New this year, Prouty funds will support the Dartmouth Cancer Center Food Pantry to help make sure no cancer patient goes hungry.

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calcium foods

Calcium and cancer: Is there a connection?

Oncology dietitian Dianne Kelecy, MS, RD, LD, shares insight about the connection between calcium and cancer.

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