After Treatment

Recovering from transplant

Each day following the transplant has a routine. Your day can be adapted to your needs. An average daily routine includes both some medical care and self care. Medical care can include monitoring vital signs and weight, lab tests, tracking fluid intake and output, managing any side effects of chemo, such as nausea, headache, or diarrhea. Self care can include caring for teeth and gums, daily showers, skin checks, and moisturizing, and of course, rest. You may also like to pass time with visitors. If you are staying in the hospital, immediate family members may visit at any time, and even stay the night in your room. We may, however, limit the number of visitors in your room at a time. You will need a lot of rest. Whether in the hospital or at home, your visitors should be careful to limit their stay so you don’t get tired.

Going home

As you strengthen your immune system in the weeks and months following your blood and marrow transplant, you will need to modify your normal activities. Understandably, patients and family members have many questions about returning home after treatment. To answer your questions visit our Frequently Asked Questions page:

Follow up

After your transplant is complete, we will see you regularly to evaluate your response to the treatment and monitor your health status. Generally, evaluations are done when you visit us at the following times after the transplant:

  • 100 days after the transplant
  • 6 months after the transplant
  • 1 year after the transplant
  • 18 months after the transplant
  • Yearly after the first 18 months

When to call or return to the hospital

Sometimes patients experience worrisome or confusing symptoms that require them to seek medical care before their scheduled visit.

If you experience any of the following conditions, call the Hematology clinic or the Dartmouth Hitchcock page operator immediately (contact information below):

  • Fever (temperature over 100 Fahrenheit or 38 Centigrade) or chills
  • Bleeding from nose, gums, or catheter site
  • Blood in urine or stool, or coughing up blood
  • Pain or burning with urination or decrease in the amount of urine
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Uncontrolled nausea or vomiting
  • Inability to take prescribed medications and/or fluids
  • Persistent cough or shortness of breath
  • Prolonged headache, visual problems, dizziness, lightheadedness, heart palpitations
  • Change in the appearance of your central line catheter site (redness, pain, drainage, swelling)
  • Skin rash or red areas on the skin
  • Mouth sores or cold sores
  • New pain anywhere
  • Prolonged weakness, abdominal discomfort, or muscle cramps

How to contact us

  • Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.: Hematology Clinic: (603) 650-4628
  • Monday through Friday, before 9:00 am or after 5:00 pm, weekends and holidays: Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center Page operator: (603) 650-5000
    • Ask them to page the Bone Marrow Transplant Physician on call
    • If there is no response in approximately 15 minutes, call: Hematology/Oncology Special Care Unit (1 West): (603) 650-2096
    • Ask to speak with the Charge Nurse; have the nurse call the Bone Marrow Transplant Physician on call.
  • If this is an emergency, go directly to the Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center emergency room or your local emergency room and have them contact the Bone Marrow Transplant Physician as soon as possible.