Writing NIH Grants


NIH grant resources


New grant instructions and forms for 2010

  • NIH Notice NOT-OD-10-002
    Clarification on timing and page limits for restructured application forms and instructions that are required for due dates on or after January 25, 2010.
  • NIH Notice NOT-OD-09-149
    Announces new, restructured versions of the paper PHS 398 and electronic SF 424 (R&R) application packages and instructions that are now available.
  • NIH Forms and Applications
    Most recent research grant, fellowship, and training forms.


New and early-stage investigators


"Funding Opportunities at the NIH (K, F, R Awards), the Peer Review Process, and Achieving Success" – A Seminar by Stephen J. Korn, PhD

Stephen J. Korn, PhD is Director of Training and Career Development, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, NIH.

49 minutes. Originally presented on April 27, 2010 at Dartmouth Cancer Center.

Watch "Funding Opportunities at the NIH (K, F, R Awards), the Peer Review Process, and Achieving Success"

This recorded seminar is geared to predocs, postdocs, K/F awardees and applicants, clinicians/scientists, basic scientists, post-K junior faculty, and mentors. Dr. Korn provides an overview of various NIH Awards, with particular emphasis on career (K) awards, fellowship (F) awards, and research (R) grants. The discussion includes eligibility for different mechanisms, the DOs and DON'Ts of grant writing, and tips on how to succeed. Dr. Korn also discusses the NIH review process in detail.

You can also download Dr. Korn's presentation slides (PDF)