Comprehensive Breast Program Clinical Trials

As the only National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center in northern New England, we help you access the latest research as part of your diagnostic and treatment journey. 

What is a clinical trial?

A clinical trial or clinical study is scientific research in which people can participate. This is a critical step in looking for better ways to detect, prevent, diagnose, or treat your condition. We use clinical trials to study the effectiveness of new tests, treatments, medications, experimental drugs, devices or surgical techniques.

Innovation is about problem-solving and often leads to clinical trials. Learn about a clinical trial to determine a more accurate method of obtaining cancer lumpectomies with the Breast Cancer Locator.

What types of clinical trials are available?

We have many active trials that are enrolling breast patients across Dartmouth Health. We screen every patient to make sure you find out about studies for which you are eligible. You will have the opportunity to learn more and choose to participate if you wish.

Breast cancer clinicians and researchers at Dartmouth Cancer Center are leading clinical trials to develop therapy options for patients whose breast cancer has become resistant to other treatments.

Many treatments that are now standards of care were developed based on the results of previous clinical trials. We work with researchers at Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth to ensure that the most cutting-edge science is part of your routine care.

Read the article How are breast cancer drugs discovered and approved to treat patients? to learn more.

Clinical trials are a great way for eligible patients to get early access to promising treatments that insurance companies do not yet cover.

Linda T. Vahdat, MD, MBA

View a list of our breast cancer clinical trials. Consider joining a trial today—you could help change the future of medicine.