Genomics Shared Resource

Rubin 6, Bench 63
Dartmouth Cancer Center
One Medical Center Drive
Lebanon, NH 03756

Geisel School of Medicine Genomics Shared Resource website

Pricing information and sample submission

The Genomics Section provides services and instrumentation that enable DNA/RNA extraction and quality control, next generation sequencing, epigenetic profiling and microarray analysis on a whole-genome scale, from the level organisms to single cells. Emphasis is placed on providing Cancer Center investigators access to cutting edge technologies to generate high quality genomics data in this rapidly evolving and increasingly utilized field.


Fred Kolling, PhD

Fred Kolling, PhD

Genomics instrumentation

Fragment Analyzer

  • Capillary electrophoresis instrument for quality control of DNA and RNA samples

Illumina Nextseq2000 and Novaseq6000

  • High throughput Illumina sequencing for bulk and single cell DNA/RNA sequencing projects

10x Genomics Chromium

  • Single cell genomics on fresh and fixed samples

10x Genomics CytAssist

  • Spatial transcriptomics on fresh frozen (FF) and formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) specimens
  • Tissue sectioning, staining and imaging performed in collaboration with Pathology Shared Resource

10x Genomics Xenium Analyzer

  • In situ measurement of up to 500 gene targets in fresh or FFPE tissue sections at 50nM resolution

EpMotion 5075t

  • Automated liquid handling for NGS library preparation and sample normalization

Genomics services

Experimental design

  • Assessment of feasibility
  • Selection of appropriate technology
  • Cost evaluation
  • Discussion of data analysis resources

Sample processing and QC

  • DNA/RNA extraction from fresh, frozen, or FFPE cells/tissues
  • Capillary electrophoresis for DNA/RNA quality assessment
  • Qubit DNA/RNA fluorometric quantification
  • Single cell/nuclei isolation for single cell genomics
  • Automated cell counting, fluorescent live/dead staining


  • Illumina Infinium arrays
    • CNV/SNP arrays
    • DNA Methylation

Next-generation sequencing (Illumina and Oxford Nanopore)

  • RNA
    • 3’-End, PolyA or Ribodepletion workflows
    • miRNA/smRNA profiling
  • DNA
    • Whole genome/exome sequencing
    • User-prepared libraries (CutNRun, ChIP-seq, etc.)
  • Plasmid sequencing

Single cell genomics (10x Chromium)

  • 3’/5’ mRNA-seq
  • TCR/BCR-seq
  • ATAC-seq
  • Multiome (RNA+ATAC)
  • Flex (Fixed RNA profiling)